The main goal of immigrating with family is to create an ideal life for the children, and unfortunately, many people immigrate with their families without considering the problems and consequences, especially for children.
Some parents immigrate without preparing their children to live in another country. This sudden change can have many risks and endanger their children’s mental and even physical health. But with what parenting skills parents can create this preparation for their child?
1. Language
One of the most important matters for your child is learning the language of the destination country as long as language is the only way for him to communicate with the new people of the new country. Fortunately, Children learn new languages easily, so as soon as you decide to emigrate, have a plan to teach your child the new language. (link to blog3).
One important parenting skill that immigrant families should know is preparing both their children and them selfs to communicate with the other language, for doing this you can make sure you speak the language of the destination country for several hours a day, and make agreements about this. You will be surprised how quickly your children will learn a new language. To acquire a good level of a second language, speaking is not enough. Writing and reading are also important to keep up. Find a school to schedule weekly lessons, offline or online.
2. Telling the Big News
As parents who have an immigration plan, it is very important to have the skill to convince your child according to what you know about him and his mental characteristics.
This news is perhaps one of the most important news that your child will hear and the way of telling this news is very effective in the initial feeling that the child will have. I doubt you can announce this news in different ways according to your child's characteristics and age.
Plan a good time with your family and prepare well. You can make a presentation or show a video of the country you are moving to.
Talk fully with your child about migration and its causes. Ask him questions and answer them fully and patiently. Find out his fears and try to overcome them with methods and prepare yourself to answer the questions that your child may ask, questions like,
Why? When? What will happen to my friends? What happens to the family? Can I see them? How is it there?
Reassure the child that this decision is for the benefit of the whole family, but also Be prepared for him to be angry.
3. Child's Current Communications
In the matter of immigration, as a parent, you must have the skills to manage your child's feelings and fulfill his needs, such as the need to ensure that her current relationships will remain maintained.
Try to reassure the child that his connection with his loved ones is not going to be cut off. Show him how he can communicate with them even when he is far away from them.
Tell him about new technologies like face timing, … and if possible by visiting them once in a while. You need to educate yourself on how to answer children's questions properly.
4. New Culture
Acquaint your child with the destination country Prepare pictures of the target city and show them to him. Pictures about people’s culture, people’s clothing, housing, playgrounds, schools, etc., which are suitable for the age of the child.
Search the Internet together and find topics that your child is interested in and curious about.
5. Using the Experiences of Others
It is such a necessary parenting skill to find connections with people in the destination country. Many have migrated before you and have gone through their problems. They have the skills and experience you need. Communicate with them and ask them. Try to get in touch with families in the destination city who have a child who is the same age as your child. Try to make children communicate visually and share their feelings about migration together.
6. Finding the Right School
Find the right school!
If your child likes a particular subject or has a special skill, try to find a school where he can pursue his interests and encourage him to stay connected to a new culture.
7. Last Days
Your child may get depressed and sad in the last few days, so spend time with him. Don't let children feel alone in the process of immigration and travel. Spend the last days more visiting relatives. Organize a small party for him and ask close relatives to prepare small souvenirs for your child. Take a group photo or video on that day. Of course, until the child does not feel too dependent. Try to spend the last days with your friends and acquaintances. Some children tend to use smart devices if they have stressful experiences, especially if their parents are busy. Make sure you understand the strategies to manage screen time of your children.
8. Essential Supplies
Put the Supplies and toys that your child likes in a suitcase and take them with you, and if you forget the things that your child is used to, buy them as soon as possible after emigration. Children are very dependent on their toys and cannot bear to be away from them, and it is better to be around them in the first days with things they are already used to.
9. Acclimatizing
As a parent who plans to migrate, you must learn the skill of accepting your child's different emotions.
The first period in the new situation can be emotional. Let the child express his true feelings and be able to talk about issues that he is struggling with. If your child needs some time alone, allow it.
Another important skill to have in migration is making discipline. Make a weekly plan, and try to stick to it. Planning gives you something to hold on to during turbulent times. Regularity is also the structure that your family needs in this situation. Eating together, having fun together, staying home regularly, and being together as a family. Go explore and do different activities. If your child is interested in sports or a skill, find special clubs, visit the new school, and stay connected with other families there.
10. Personal Space
Learn the skill of giving your child enough and correct space. When to give him space to be alone and when not to let him feel alone, this skill is very important in immigration.
No matter how hard it is, time flies. Before you know it, you will have been abroad for a year. This first year will have its ups and downs. Little ones may find the new culture hard to understand in the beginning but by having mentioned parenting skills in immigrants, your family will be settled in the new place before you know it.
What age is best to relocate children?
Moving With Elementary Age Children (Between 5 To 8 Years).
Experts believe that this is the right age to move with your kids. This is because they are slightly older than the preschool kids, so they can understand what is going on.
How long does it take kids to adjust to moving?
How long does it take for your child to really adjust to the move? Researchers tell us that adults and children need time to adjust – often as long as 16 months. For some families, the most stressful time is 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the move.
How stressful is moving for a child?
Moving is stressful for kids, who have to leave behind friends, teachers, and familiar comforts. While it's often necessary for military families or for other reasons, it's challenging for children to make new friends and start over at a new school. They don't get a say in where they're going or what they leave behind.